Thursday, September 16, 2010

Tweezer and eyebrows

Nothing makes you appear more groomed than well-plucked eyebrows.

Many women have their eyebrows tweezed or threaded professionally, but doing it at home regularly ensures that you always have the perfect eyebrows giving you that clean look.

The biggest mistake is to tweeze too much. Avoid over-plucking as it can take months for brows to grow back. The space between your brows should be equal to, or a little wider than, your eyes. Take an eyeshadow brush or pencil and hold it parallel to the side of your nose. Where the brush meets your brow is where your brow should begin. The best brows have a slight arch. To find yours, hold the brush parallel to the outside edge of the coloured part of your eye. Where the brush meets the brow is where the highest part of your brow should be.

- Invest in a good pair of tweezers with a slanted edge.

- Stand near a window with light pouring in or under a bright light with a good mirror.

- Pluck hairs in the direction they grow. Don't grab too many hairs at a time. It's a myth that brows should never be tweezed from above.

- You want both the bottoms and tops to be smooth. Stop regularly to step back and look at what you're doing. If you over-pluck, you're stuck. Unlike most hair on your body, your brows won't always grow back once they're yanked out.

- Once you're done plucking, apply aloe vera gel to calm the redness right away.

Any questions?

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